Sunday, 14 May 2017

Speech Time!

Today we start learning about, and preparing for, our class, school and community speech competition. For many students here at Tautoro School this is their first experience of  a speech competition. Room 5 students have mixed feelings; excitement, fear, anticipation and dread.  

Did you know public speaking is apparently the 4th most common fear? We fear that we might mess up and cause the audience to respond negatively, they may think less of of us or laugh

Speech competition time in Room 5 is going to be a fun. There is a supportive environment. Students will work in their collaborative groups to give feedback and feed forward to their teams.  All students will have their their comfort zones pushed and learn something new about public communication as well as themselves. An excellent opportunity to develop kaha, manaakitanga and rangatiratanga (our school values).
 I look forward to announcing the class finalist! 


  1. Kia Ora Room 5
    At Waikowhai Primary School I am called Ms Sands and I am the teacher of Room 9. Speeches can be soooo scary and soooo super fun! When I was a teenager I wrote my speech on 'How to make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich' because I thought that would be funny. Our class will write speeches in a few weeks as well. Maybe we will be able to check out some of your work around speeches on your blogs before we start. We will comment on your blogs soon, hopefully this week. Cheers Ms Sands

    1. Hi Shiralee, thank you for your comment and sharing what you wrote your speech on as a child. The students in Room 5 will be posting a screencastify of their speech next week. They will be trying to use oral language techniques. I hope what they post will be useful for your class. We look forward to comments on our lonely blogs.

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  3. Kia Ora, my name is Isabelle and I am a student in Te Waka Ako at Waikowhai Primary School. I really like How everybody will be working collaboratively on their speeches. It made me think of Our poetry competition because we had to recite poems in front of everybody. Have you thought about Adding some photos in so we can see what you guys are doing? If you would like to see my learning, my blog it is
    Blog you later.

  4. Hi there, my name is Bruno and I am a student in Te Waka Ako at Waikowhai Primary School. I really like that your students are giving speeches not just to the school but to the community. It made me think of When I was a Junior and I had to stand up infront of all the school and speak it was nerve racking . Have you thought about Maybe putting in a video or pictures of the students giving their speeches. If you would like to see my learning, my blog is

  5. Hi there, my name is Ben and I am a student in Te Waka Ako at Waikowhai Primary School. I really like how you included facts in that piece of writing. It made me think of Michael Wood doing his speech in front of our whole school. I would have been really nervous if I was him. Have you thought about adding pictures or adding a video of the children doing their speeches? If you would like to see my learning, this is my blog:

  6. Hi there, My name is Shabeera and I am a student in Te Waka ako at Waikowhai Primary School. I really like how you guys give a speech. I would be super duper scared if I had to give a speech in front of the school or anyone. This made me think about our poetry competition that we are doing in a few weeks. Maybe next time you could put some pictures of them doing the speech. If you wanna see my learning blog and out class blog here it is --------> and our class blog ---------->

  7. Hi my name is Terei. I come from ohaeawai school. It's ok if you mess up if you mess up just keep going and awesome speeches I hope we could be friends well bye.

  8. Hello Room 5,
    My name is Brooke. I really enjoyed your short recount of what you have done and how you included interesting fact to intrigue your audience. Also how you included your school values.
    If you want to check out my Blog here is my Link:
