Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Room 3 Assembly Term 2

Room 2 Assembly Term 1

T Shaped Literacy Term 2

We have started T Literacy to help children look deeper into a text ask questions and find the answers to their questions.

T shaped Literacy

Here are some of the presentations tamariki made after looking through sites and reading books .

Sonny Walters Presentation on Diwali

Harleen Matariki Prsentation

Mark Chinese New Year Presentation

Friday, 14 June 2019

Healthy Eating Term

This term we have been learning about healthy eating.
For reading we read about healthy eating then we had to look for all the facts in the 
reading and then we had to write a persuasive text saying why parents should encourage
their children to eat healthier. 
Then we had Fui from Sport Northland Energizer Program talk to us about making healthy choices.

She talked about the four food groups which ones we should eat everyday and which ones 

to only have sometimes.
I have highlighted all the facts in the reading pick three facts and have a go at writing a persuasive
Text using the three facts and say what might happen if they don’t have a healthy diet.
Healthy Eating Facts

  1.   Food keeps us healthy and helps us to grow.
  2. Food prov Healthy Eating facts
  1. By eating a balanced diet, your body obtains the fuel and nutrients it needs to function properly.
  1. ides us with energy to be able to function throughout the day.
  2. By eating a balanced diet, your body obtains the fuel and nutrients it needs to function properly.
  3. Your body needs minerals to make hormones, build bones and regulate your heartbeat. Water flushes out toxins, transports nutrients to cells and performs other vital bodily processes.


  1. Bread, rice and potatoes are examples of carbohydrate rich foods. These foods give us plenty of energy. You should try and eat a lot of carbohydrates each day.
  2. As well as energy, carbohydrates provide us with fibre, iron, B vitamins and calcium.

Fruit and Vegetables

  1. Fruit and vegetables provide us with vitamins and minerals essential for keeping us healthy as well as fibre which is important for digestion.
  2. A diet high in fibre can also reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke and some cancers.
  3. Try to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.
  4. potatoes do not count as a portion of vegetables.



1. Dairy products are great sources of protein and calcium and are found in milk, cheese and yogurt. Protein helps our bodies to grow or repair themselves.
2. Protein builds, maintains, and replaces the tissues in your body.
3.   Your muscles, organs, and immune system are made up mostly of protein. Calcium helps to keep our bones and teeth strong.
4.  We should eat between two or three portions of dairy foods a day.

Meat, Fish, Eggs and Beans

  1.  These foods are a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals in your diet.
  2. These foods help the body to grow and repair itself and keep hair, skin, muscles and nails strong. We should eat some of these foods a day.

Foods High in Fats and Sugar

  1. These foods provide the body with energy, warmth and insulation around vital organs.
  2. Too much fat in your diet can raise cholesterol, which increases the risk of heart disease. A small amount of fat is part of a healthy, balanced diet.
  3. Fat is a source of essential fatty acids such as omega-3 because the body can’t make them itself.
  4. Fat helps the body absorb vitamins A, D and E. To be healthy, nutritious food is needed to provide energy for the body.
A variety of food is needed in the diet because different foods contain different substances that are needed to keep you healthy.

Ellawisha Persuasive text

                                                                Main idea/Title
Healthy Eating

Are your kids obese or got diabetes?, then listen to me I can help you keep your family safe and healthy.
The main point you want to

 Argument 1
Firstly I'll tell you something there are kids in the UK that are obese that is three kids in one
so if your kid is obese I'll tell you why? They are obese because you are feeding them the wrong stuff in steed of healthy stuff like water,fruit,
vegetables,meat,milk and grain food  in steed you are feeding them fizzy,fast food and lollies.
If you want them to be healthy then tell your kids to eat 5 fruit a day. If your children or child eat too many junk food they will get obese or get
diabetes do you want you kids to get  diabetes or be healthy? as a result there is lots of kids that got diabetes from eating too many lollies.
do you know food keeps us healthy and it helps us to grow.
Remember evidence
Useful words
In my opinion…
Some believe that…
I feel that…
I am sure that …
It is certain…
For this reason…
Reasons for
Reasons against

Ask questions to get the reader thinking

Argument 2
Secondly  in my opinion your body needs minerals to make hormones, build bones and regulate your heartbeat.
For this to happen  you need to eat fruit and vegetables to provide us with vitamins and minerals essential for keeping us healthy as well as
fiber which is important for digestion.  


I think that we should eat healthy fruit everyday so that our families are healthy and strongI
Sum up the main argument

                                                                Main idea/Title
Healthy Eating

Do you want your kids to be healthy?
Well turn your eyes and ears and listen to me.
The main point you want to make

Argument 1

In my opinion I think children should eat healthy because they can grow their bones, and their body’s will be nice and healthy.
Ok so i’m gonna tell you something, kids all around the world even here in New Zealand, there are kids that are obese and I will tell you why.
The reason why kids are getting obese is because parents aren’t being role models to their kids.

If your kids are eating junk food you can just eat an apple or any vegetable and when your kids see you eating healthy food you can give them
an apple or any vegetable and you will convince your child to eat healthy like you.
Another way your kids can start eating healthy is getting yummy fruits like, water melon, chopped apples and pineapples and then you can make
fresh smoothies for your kids.  

Remember evidence
Useful words
In my opinion…
Some believe that…
I feel that…
I am sure that …
It is certain…
For this reason…

Reasons for
Reasons against

Ask questions to get the reader thinking
Argument 2
I am sure that people in the world love to eat lollies as a everyday meal but in my opinion it is better if you and your child eat lollies once a week.
But kids will ask for treats once a while and it’s ok to say yes because it will be a treat for eating healthy everyday.

If you eat more healthy your skin, teeth, hair and nails will look nice and shiny.
Argument 3
I think Eating healthy will help you and your children to have more energy to play and hang out with your friends.
Eating healthy is important for you because you can grow your bones and you and your child will be nice and healthy.
Eating junk food will make you go slow, have less energy and you will become really lazy.

In conclusion i think eating healthy if better for our children in our community  and we will be safe and our skin, teeth, nails and hair will be healthy.
Do you agree with me?

Sum up the main argument