Thursday, 24 August 2017

We Will Rock You!

Last week in Room 5 the students were learning about rounding:what it is, when it is useful and how to do it. Here is the song they sang to help them remember how to round to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, whole number or tenth.

Thursday, 10 August 2017

E- Symposium

Yesterday afternoon I took seven students from my class to Ohaeawai School to share at our annual E-Symposium. They really enjoyed sharing how they  use different tools to create digital learning objects (DLOs) that share what they have learned in a creative way. I am so very proud of them all.
Well done Rangimarie, Helam, Aryan, Zephaniah, Yvette and Kaya!

Monday, 7 August 2017

New tool to share learning!

Last term I showed my class how to use Pictocharts. We only had a short lesson on the basics of using the tool. Most students ran with the new infographic tool.  This term I am challenging my students to use the Pictochart tool to share their learning in writing.

 In class I am teaching students how they can improve their writing by deliberately using language to engage readers. Over the next few weeks students will be exploring descriptive language and figurative language.

Here is the task. I look forward to seeing quality DLOs and rich descriptive language come into writing.
Create a DLO that shows others how they could improve their writing by using descriptive language.

  • You DLO must be based around one (some may create two depending on ability) emotion/feeling
  • Examples of what that emotion could sound like, look like, feel like and the thoughts that show it
  • Include a word cline that you made in a lesson
  • Include an introductory video saying what you have been learning and why (this will be completed in groups of 4. When I have your script you may start filming)
  • Icons and images are relevant. They do not distract from the learning. 
Here is a Pictochart I made. I should have included how it is best to stick to a simple color theme.