Monday, 16 February 2015

Baby Quinn

Hi everyone,
I have been getting emails asking about my new baby. Her name is Quinn Waitangi Giesbers. She sleeps and sleeps and sleeps. Sienna loves her to bits and is enjoying being a big sister. 

I hope you all are well and enjoying being back together at school. I miss you all. 
Lots of love, Whaea Lana 

Friday, 30 January 2015

Whaea Roylena is in the house!!... ooops, in Room 5!!!

Tēnā koutou tamariki ma!

Ko Roylena Tzikoucos tōku ingoa. I am both privileged and excited to be your kaiako this year.  Whaea Lana has an awesome group of students for me to inherit!  

You will find out more about me and my whanau during week one and beyond in class. 

Our topic/theme for Term 1 2015 is TAUTOROTANGA, which I know will prove to be a super, super awesome adventure as we make discoveries together!  So come amped, and ready to go Room 5!

Whaea Roylena